Parallel Queries: PARALLEL¶
# load the magic extension and imports
%reload_ext nextcode
import pandas as pd
import GOR_query_helper as GQH
%env LOG_QUERY=1
project = "bch_connect_hg38"
%env GOR_API_PROJECT={project}
Parallel GORpipe queries with PARALLEL¶
The PARALLEL macro command is similar to PGOR and PARTGOR, however, unlike them it can be used both for GOR and NOR command and provides flexibility to make parallel queries based on any parameters provided in a relation/table. First we will start with a simple example where we use PARALLEL instead of PGOR.
qh = GQH.GOR_Query_Helper()
mydefs = qh.add("""create #segs# = gor #genes# | group chrom | segspan -maxseg 100000000;""")
nor [#segs#] | granno -count | top 10
Query ran in 0.09 sec Query fetched 10 rows in 0.01 sec (total time 0.11 sec)
Chrom | bpStart | bpStop | segCount | allCount | |
0 | chr1 | 0 | 62239105 | 1 | 45 |
1 | chr1 | 62239105 | 124478211 | 1 | 45 |
2 | chr1 | 124478211 | 186717316 | 1 | 45 |
3 | chr1 | 186717316 | 248956422 | 1 | 45 |
4 | chr10 | 0 | 66898711 | 1 | 45 |
5 | chr10 | 66898711 | 133797422 | 1 | 45 |
6 | chr11 | 0 | 67543311 | 1 | 45 |
7 | chr11 | 67543311 | 135086622 | 1 | 45 |
8 | chr12 | 0 | 66637654 | 1 | 45 |
9 | chr12 | 66637654 | 133275309 | 1 | 45 |
We see that we get 45 zero-based segments, each no more than 100Mbases in size. Lets now calculate the numbers of variants in dbSNP.
mydefs = qh.add("""create #pcounts# = parallel -parts <(nor [#segs#] | replace bpStart bpStart+1)
<(gor -p #{col:Chrom}:#{col:bpStart}-#{col:bpStop} #dbsnp# | group chrom -count);""")
gor [#pcounts#] | top 10
Query ran in 0.79 sec Query fetched 10 rows in 0.03 sec (total time 0.82 sec)
chrom | bpStart | bpStop | allCount | |
0 | chr1 | 0 | 248956422 | 25553008 |
1 | chr1 | 0 | 248956422 | 18569734 |
2 | chr1 | 0 | 248956422 | 27038573 |
3 | chr1 | 0 | 248956422 | 26007566 |
4 | chr10 | 0 | 133797422 | 27554851 |
5 | chr10 | 0 | 133797422 | 29196823 |
6 | chr11 | 0 | 135086622 | 28411265 |
7 | chr11 | 0 | 135086622 | 29833483 |
8 | chr12 | 0 | 133275309 | 27487946 |
9 | chr12 | 0 | 133275309 | 28683770 |
We see that we get multiple counts just like if we had done a PGOR. Unlike for PGOR, the temp table dictionary does not have chromasomal range partition metadata:
nor -asdict [#pcounts#] | top 10
Query ran in 0.78 sec Query fetched 10 rows in 0.01 sec (total time 0.79 sec)
col1 | col2 | |
0 | ../../../../cache/result_cache/cache01/ae1/ae1... | 45 |
1 | ../../../../cache/result_cache/cache01/4a4/4a4... | 44 |
2 | ../../../../cache/result_cache/cache01/709/709... | 43 |
3 | ../../../../cache/result_cache/cache01/bab/bab... | 42 |
4 | ../../../../cache/result_cache/cache01/4b6/4b6... | 41 |
5 | ../../../../cache/result_cache/cache01/11a/11a... | 40 |
6 | ../../../../cache/result_cache/cache01/d22/d22... | 39 |
7 | ../../../../cache/result_cache/cache01/ede/ede... | 38 |
8 | ../../../../cache/result_cache/cache01/21b/21b... | 37 |
9 | ../../../../cache/result_cache/cache01/6ec/6ec... | 36 |
This is because PARALLEL is designed for both GOR and NOR execution and as is stands does always return same types of metadata (as it stands now). We can therefore modify the query and have it return non-gor data:
mydefs = qh.add("""create #pcounts# = parallel -parts <(nor [#segs#] | replace bpStart bpStart+1)
<(nor <(gor -p #{col:Chrom}:#{col:bpStart}-#{col:bpStop} #dbsnp# | group chrom -count)
| calc range '#{col:Chrom}:#{col:bpStart}-#{col:bpStop}' | select range,allcount) ;""")
nor [#pcounts#] | sort -c range | top 10
Query ran in 0.87 sec Query fetched 10 rows in 0.22 sec (total time 1.09 sec)
range | allCount | |
0 | chr10:1-66898711 | 29196823 |
1 | chr10:66898712-133797422 | 27554851 |
2 | chr11:1-67543311 | 29833483 |
3 | chr11:67543312-135086622 | 28411265 |
4 | chr12:1-66637654 | 28683770 |
5 | chr12:66637655-133275309 | 27487946 |
6 | chr13:1-57182164 | 18190940 |
7 | chr13:57182165-114364328 | 24140223 |
8 | chr14:1-53521859 | 15182593 |
9 | chr14:53521860-107043718 | 22303823 |
We can indeed get similar results using PGOR with split option:
mydefs = qh.add("""create #pgor_counts# = pgor -split <(gor [#segs#]) #dbsnp# | top 10
| calc range '#{CHROM}:#{BPSTART}-#{BPSTOP}'
| group chrom -gc range -count
gor [#pgor_counts#] | top 10
Query ran in 1.66 sec Query fetched 10 rows in 0.03 sec (total time 1.69 sec)
chrom | bpStart | bpStop | range | allCount | |
0 | chr1 | 0 | 248956422 | chr1:124478212-186717316 | 10 |
1 | chr1 | 0 | 248956422 | chr1:186717317-248956422 | 10 |
2 | chr1 | 0 | 248956422 | chr1:1-62239105 | 10 |
3 | chr1 | 0 | 248956422 | chr1:62239106-124478211 | 10 |
4 | chr10 | 0 | 133797422 | chr10:1-66898711 | 10 |
5 | chr10 | 0 | 133797422 | chr10:66898712-133797422 | 10 |
6 | chr11 | 0 | 135086622 | chr11:67543312-135086622 | 10 |
7 | chr11 | 0 | 135086622 | chr11:1-67543311 | 10 |
8 | chr12 | 0 | 133275309 | chr12:1-66637654 | 10 |
9 | chr12 | 0 | 133275309 | chr12:66637655-133275309 | 10 |
nor -asdict [#pgor_counts#] | granno -count | top 10
Query ran in 0.49 sec Query fetched 10 rows in 0.01 sec (total time 0.50 sec)
col1 | col2 | col3 | col4 | col5 | col6 | allCount | |
0 | ../../../../cache/result_cache/cache01/9f1/9f1... | 1 | chr6 | 0 | chr6 | 0 | 45 |
1 | ../../../../cache/result_cache/cache01/4a7/4a7... | 2 | chr2 | 0 | chr2 | 0 | 45 |
2 | ../../../../cache/result_cache/cache01/43a/43a... | 3 | chr9 | 0 | chr9 | 0 | 45 |
3 | ../../../../cache/result_cache/cache01/8e8/8e8... | 4 | chr5 | 0 | chr5 | 0 | 45 |
4 | ../../../../cache/result_cache/cache01/c92/c92... | 5 | chr3 | 0 | chr3 | 0 | 45 |
5 | ../../../../cache/result_cache/cache01/79f/79f... | 6 | chr11 | 0 | chr11 | 0 | 45 |
6 | ../../../../cache/result_cache/cache01/b76/b76... | 7 | chrM | 0 | chrM | 0 | 45 |
7 | ../../../../cache/result_cache/cache01/0a9/0a9... | 8 | chr14 | 0 | chr14 | 0 | 45 |
8 | ../../../../cache/result_cache/cache01/657/657... | 9 | chr11 | 0 | chr11 | 0 | 45 |
9 | ../../../../cache/result_cache/cache01/0d1/0d1... | 10 | chr3 | 0 | chr3 | 0 | 45 |
NOR type parallelization¶
Here we look at an example where we want to calculate column statistics of a table. First we select an arbitrary table with a mix of numeric and string columns.
qh2 = GQH.GOR_Query_Helper()
mydefs2 = qh2.add_many("""
def #maxrows# = 1000000;
create #table# = nor ref/ensgenes/ensexons.gorz | calc f1 random() | calc f2 random() | calc f3 sqr(f1/(1+sqr(f2)));
Firs we will run a generic query that is relatively slow but memory efficient to discover the column types:
mydefs2 = qh2.add("""
create #coltypes# = nor [#table#] | calc dummys 's' | calc dummyi 1
| unpivot 1-
| where col_value != 'NA'
| calc type if(isint(col_value),'I',if(isfloat(col_value),'F','S'))
| group -gc col_name,type
| group -gc col_name -set -sc type;
nor [#coltypes#]
Query ran in 91.93 sec Query fetched 15 rows in 0.01 sec (total time 91.94 sec)
Col_Name | set_type | |
0 | chrom | S |
1 | chromend | I |
2 | chromstart | I |
3 | dummyi | I |
4 | dummys | S |
5 | exon | S |
6 | f1 | F |
7 | f2 | F |
8 | f3 | F |
9 | gene_biotype | S |
10 | gene_stable_id | S |
11 | gene_symbol | S |
12 | strand | S |
13 | transcript_biotype | S |
14 | transcript_stable_id | S |
Ignore the dummy columns that are created for now - we will explain them later. Now we add definitions to calculate more complex statistics, both for numeric and string columns. Because this analysis uses the RANK command, we will run this in parallel for a subset of columns at the time, because it will require significant memory and compute.
mydefs2 = qh2.add_many("""
def #parallel_parts# = 4;
create #fcolparts# = nor [#coltypes#] | where set_type in ('F','I','F,I') | select col_name
| rownum | calc g mod(rownum,#parallel_parts#) | group -gc g -lis -sc col_name;
create #scolparts# = nor [#coltypes#] | where not(set_type in ('F','I','F,I')) | select col_name
| rownum | calc g mod(rownum,#parallel_parts#) | group -gc g -lis -sc col_name;
create #numstat# = parallel -parts [#fcolparts#] <(nor [#table#]
| unpivot 1-
| where col_value != 'NA'
| inset -c col_name <(nor [#coltypes#] | where listhasany('#{col:lis_col_name}',col_name))
| rank col_value -o asc -gc col_name -q
| calc v10 if(lowOReqRank <= 0.1, col_value, -1e100)
| calc v25 if(lowOReqRank <= 0.25, col_value, -1e100)
| calc v50 if(lowOReqRank <= 0.5, col_value, -1e100)
| calc v75 if(lowOReqRank <= 0.75, col_value, -1e100)
| calc v90 if(lowOReqRank <= 0.90, col_value, -1e100)
| group -gc col_name -count -min -max -avg -std -fc col_value,v10-
| rename allcount nonNA
| select col_name-std_col_value,max_v10,max_v25,max_v50,max_v75,max_v90
| rename max_(v.*) #{1}
create #stringstat# = parallel -parts [#scolparts#] <(nor [#table#]
| unpivot 1-
| inset -c col_name <(nor [#coltypes#] | where listhasany('#{col:lis_col_name}',col_name))
| group -gc col_name,col_value -count
| sort -c col_name,allcount:nr
| rename allcount value_count
| group -gc col_name -min -max -len 1000000 -lis -sc col_value,value_count
| calc distValues listsize(lis_value_count)
| calc histo str(distValues)+':'+listmap(listfilter(listzip(lis_col_value,lis_value_count),'i<=10'),'brackets(x)')+if(listsize(lis_value_count)>10,',...','')
| hide lis_*
In #fcolparts# and #scolparts# we make #parallel_parts# list of numeric and string columns, respectively. We group the column names together into lis_col_name and use a relation with this column to generate parallel partitions for #numstat# and #stringstat#. We ensure that the parallel commands don't get an emtpy relation with no row by using the dummy columns mentioned above (because corrently it does not tolerate it). Notice that each parallel query will read all of #table#, however, we unpivot and filter with listhasany('#{col:lis_col_name}',col_name)) to limit the scope of data that goes into RANK and GROUP -gc col_name,col_value, both of which may require significant memory. The PARALLEL macro command replaces #{col:lis_col_name} with the appropriate value for the partition at hand. We generate ranges for the numeric distribution in v10-v90 and a histogram with the most common strings.
We generate a description for all the columns in #table# by:
nor [#coltypes#] | map -c col_name [#numstat#]
| merge <(nor [#coltypes#] | map -c col_name [#stringstat#])
| where not(col_name in ('dummyi','dummys'))
Query ran in 0.40 sec Query fetched 13 rows in 0.06 sec (total time 0.46 sec)
Col_Name | set_type | nonNA | min_Col_Value | max_Col_Value | avg_Col_Value | std_Col_Value | v10 | v25 | v50 | v75 | v90 | min_value_count | max_value_count | distValues | histo | |
0 | chrom | S | NaN | chr1 | chrY | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 104300.0 | 91380.0 | 25.0 | 25:(chr1;145831),(chr2;123667),(chr3;104300),(... |
1 | chromend | I | 1572313.0 | 647.0 | 2.48937043E8 | 7.604323e+07 | 5.600179e+07 | 1.130701e+07 | 3.260182e+07 | 6.383704e+07 | 1.117808e+08 | 1.553267e+08 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
2 | chromstart | I | 1572313.0 | 576.0 | 2.4893658E8 | 7.604297e+07 | 5.600179e+07 | 1.130672e+07 | 3.260151e+07 | 6.383714e+07 | 1.117807e+08 | 1.553259e+08 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
3 | exon | S | NaN | ENSE00000000003 | ENSE00003970673 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1.0 | 98.0 | 491801.0 | 491801:(ENSE00001639513;201),(ENSE00001666408;... |
4 | f1 | F | 1572313.0 | 1.9561712161220157E-7 | 0.9999998997299483 | 5.001228e-01 | 2.887756e-01 | 9.975428e-02 | 2.499995e-01 | 5.002753e-01 | 7.503033e-01 | 9.001638e-01 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
5 | f2 | F | 1572313.0 | 6.00124052674289E-7 | 0.9999996842541631 | 5.002463e-01 | 2.885996e-01 | 1.002356e-01 | 2.504988e-01 | 5.005184e-01 | 7.503596e-01 | 9.000775e-01 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
6 | f3 | F | 1572313.0 | 2.9139279845133705E-14 | 0.9998610928646812 | 2.142417e-01 | 2.213703e-01 | 5.607365e-03 | 3.527133e-02 | 1.407709e-01 | 3.238778e-01 | 5.541057e-01 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
7 | gene_biotype | S | NaN | IG_C_gene | vault_RNA | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1.0 | 99.0 | 40.0 | 40:(protein_coding;1322775),(lncRNA;188620),(t... |
8 | gene_stable_id | S | NaN | ENSG00000000003 | ENSG00000289719 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1.0 | 997.0 | 61498.0 | 61498:(ENSG00000145362;3796),(ENSG00000224078;... |
9 | gene_symbol | S | NaN | 5S_rRNA | snoZ196 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1.0 | 997.0 | 39850.0 | 39850:(na;89965),(ANK2;3796),(SNHG14;2915),(AB... |
10 | strand | S | NaN | + | - | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 769432.0 | 802881.0 | 2.0 | 2:(+;802881),(-;769432) |
11 | transcript_biotype | S | NaN | IG_C_gene | vault_RNA | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1.0 | 99.0 | 44.0 | 44:(protein_coding;823843),(nonsense_mediated_... |
12 | transcript_stable_id | S | NaN | ENST00000000233 | ENST00000697417 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1.0 | 98.0 | 246450.0 | 246450:(ENST00000589042;363),(ENST00000591111;... |
We can display the histogram with wider columns like this:
%%gor dfHisto <<
nor [#stringstat#] | select col_name,histo
Query ran in 0.57 sec Query fetched 8 rows in 0.03 sec (total time 0.60 sec)
for i in range(0,len(dfHisto)):
1 exon 491801:(ENSE00001639513;201),(ENSE00001666408;199),(ENSE00001912145;151),(ENSE00001352600;143),(ENSE00001926576;137),(ENSE00001854584;131),(ENSE00001723087;122),(ENSE00001697882;118),(ENSE00001836596;117),(ENSE00001859880;113),... ---------------- 2 strand 2:(+;802881),(-;769432) ---------------- 3 gene_symbol 39850:(na;89965),(ANK2;3796),(SNHG14;2915),(ABCC8;2691),(SNX14;2419),(DYNC1H1;2357),(IFT122;2338),(KCNMA1;2138),(MAPK10;2044),(PLCB4;1918),... ---------------- 4 chrom 25:(chr1;145831),(chr2;123667),(chr3;104300),(chr11;91380),(chr17;88751),(chr12;86588),(chr19;81557),(chr7;74905),(chr6;73980),(chr5;70514),... ---------------- 5 gene_stable_id 61498:(ENSG00000145362;3796),(ENSG00000224078;2915),(ENSG00000006071;2691),(ENSG00000135317;2419),(ENSG00000197102;2357),(ENSG00000163913;2338),(ENSG00000156113;2138),(ENSG00000109339;2044),(ENSG00000101333;1918),(ENSG00000155657;1700),... ---------------- 6 transcript_stable_id 246450:(ENST00000589042;363),(ENST00000591111;313),(ENST00000342992;312),(ENST00000342175;191),(ENST00000359218;191),(ENST00000460472;191),(ENST00000397345;182),(ENST00000427231;182),(ENST00000454784;173),(ENST00000409198;150),... ---------------- 7 gene_biotype 40:(protein_coding;1322775),(lncRNA;188620),(transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene;22141),(processed_pseudogene;11768),(unprocessed_pseudogene;7847),(transcribed_unitary_pseudogene;5151),(transcribed_processed_pseudogene;2886),(misc_RNA;2211),(snRNA;1901),(miRNA;1877),... ---------------- 8 transcript_biotype 44:(protein_coding;823843),(nonsense_mediated_decay;212755),(lncRNA;186275),(retained_intron;168473),(processed_transcript;142138),(processed_pseudogene;11768),(unprocessed_pseudogene;7808),(transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene;5855),(misc_RNA;2211),(snRNA;1901),... ----------------
For more examples of the use of the PARALLEL macro command, see the notebook HPO_Phewas.