Used in: gor/nor


The GREP command allows through any rows that match the pattern specified for the given column. Regular expressions can be used in the match pattern. The -s and -i options are used to specify case sensitivity and insensitivity respectively.


... | GREP matchpattern [-c columns] [-i]


-c columns

The columns to search for the match pattern. Default is ALL the columns.


The regular expression pattern match is case-sensitive.


The regular expression pattern match is case-insensitive (default).


The regular expression pattern match is inverted.


The following query streams from the #genes# table and returns only those rows that have a match to the string “BRCA” in the Gene_Symbol column.

gor #genes# | GREP "BRCA" -c Gene_Symbol

Regular expressions can also be used in the match pattern, as shown in the equivalent query below:

gor #genes# | GREP ^BRCA+ -c Gene_Symbol